Promonad Booleans Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Bool |
Promonad Cat Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Cat |
Promonad (:-) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Constraint |
Promonad Linear Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Linear |
Promonad Pointed Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.PointedHask |
Promonad Simplex Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Simplex |
Promonad Zero Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Zero |
Promonad Unit Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Unit |
Comonoid w => Promonad (ComonoidAsCat w :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat |
Promonad (Cont r :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Promonad.Cont |
CategoryOf k => Promonad (Id :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Identity |
Promonad (->) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Core |
Promonad p => Promonad (Fix p :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Fix |
Profunctor p => Promonad (FreePromonad p :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Free |
(Monoidal k, Ob s) => Promonad (State s :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Promonad.State |
Monad m => Promonad (Star (Prelude m) :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Star |
Promonad p => Promonad (Wrapped p :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Wrapped |
(Comonoid r, MonoidalAction m k) => Promonad (Reader ('OP r) :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Promonad.Reader |
(Monoid w, MonoidalAction m k) => Promonad (Writer w :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Promonad.Writer |
Adjunction p q => Promonad (q :.: p :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Adjunction |
(p ~ j, Profunctor p) => Promonad (Ran ('OP p) p :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Ran |
(p ~ j, Profunctor p) => Promonad (Rift ('OP p) p :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Rift |
Promonad (LTE :: FIN n -> FIN n -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Fin |
TracedMonoidal k => Promonad (IntConstruction :: INT k -> INT k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.IntConstruction |
CategoryOf k => Promonad (List :: LIST k -> LIST k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.List |
Num a => Promonad (Mat :: MatK a -> MatK a -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Mat |
PreorderOf k => Promonad (PoAsCat :: POCATK k -> POCATK k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.PreorderAsCategory |
BiCCC k => Promonad (FreeCCC :: FK k -> FK k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Helper.CCC |
Monoidal k => Promonad (Strictified :: [k] -> [k] -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Strictified |
Promonad p => Promonad (Rev p :: REV j -> REV j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Rev |
Promonad c => Promonad (Op c :: OPPOSITE j -> OPPOSITE j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Opposite |
Promonad p => Promonad (Coprod p :: COPROD j -> COPROD j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct |
Promonad p => Promonad (Prod p :: PROD j -> PROD j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct |
Promonad (Prof :: PROFK j k -> PROFK j k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Prof |
Rewrite g => Promonad (Free :: FREE g -> FREE g -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Free |
Promonad p => Promonad (Kleisli :: KLEISLI p -> KLEISLI p -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Kleisli |
Promonad (Nat' :: NatK j k -> NatK j k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat |
Promonad (BiSimplex :: Simplex j k -> Simplex j k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Simplex |
Promonad (Terminal :: Unit '() '() -> Unit '() '() -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Terminal |
Promonad (Prof :: (j +-> k) -> (j +-> k) -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Prof |
Promonad (Nat :: (j -> Type) -> (j -> Type) -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat |
Promonad (Nat :: (k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> k4 -> Type) -> (k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> k4 -> Type) -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat |
Promonad (Nat :: (k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> Type) -> (k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> Type) -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat |
Promonad p => Promonad (Sub p :: SUBCAT ob -> SUBCAT ob -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Sub |
(Promonad p, Promonad q) => Promonad (p :++: q :: COPRODUCT j1 j2 -> COPRODUCT j1 j2 -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Coproduct |
(Promonad p, Promonad q) => Promonad (p :**: q :: (j1, j2) -> (j1, j2) -> Type) Source Comments # | The product promonad of promonads p and q . |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Product |
(CategoryOf k, Ob i, Ob j) => Promonad (Category :: PLAINK k i j -> PLAINK k i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.CategoryAsBi |
CategoryOf k => Promonad (Mon2 :: MonK k i j -> MonK k i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.MonoidalAsBi |
Profunctor p => Promonad (Collage :: COLLAGE p -> COLLAGE p -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Collage |
(Bicategory kk, Ob0 kk k) => Promonad (Endo :: ENDO kk k -> ENDO kk k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Endo |
Promonad (Bidiscrete :: DiscreteK ob j k -> DiscreteK ob j k -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Bidiscrete |
CategoryOf (kk j k2) => Promonad (Co :: COK kk j k2 -> COK kk j k2 -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Co |
CategoryOf (kk k2 j) => Promonad (Op :: OPK kk j k2 -> OPK kk j k2 -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Op |
(CategoryOf (kk j k2), Bicategory kk) => Promonad (Strictified :: Path kk j k2 -> Path kk j k2 -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Strictified |
MonoidalAction m k => Promonad (StT :: STT m k i j -> STT m k i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Equipment.Stateful |
IsChart m c d => Promonad (ChartCat :: CHART m c d -> CHART m c d -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic |
IsOptic w c d => Promonad (OpticCat :: OPTIC w c d -> OPTIC w c d -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic |
Adjunction p q => Promonad (Lift :: LIFTED p q -> LIFTED p q -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Lifted |
Promonad ((~>) :: CAT (kk i j)) => Promonad (HomW :: HK kk i j -> HK kk i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Hom |
Promonad ((~>) :: CAT (kk i j)) => Promonad (Sub :: SUBCAT tag kk i j -> SUBCAT tag kk i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Sub |
CategoryOf (kk i j) => Promonad (W :: WKK kk i j -> WKK kk i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Equipment.BiAsEquipment |
CategoryOf (kk i j) => Promonad (Q2 :: QKK kk i j -> QKK kk i j -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Equipment.Quintet |
(CategoryOf (jj (Fst ik) (Fst jl)), CategoryOf (kk (Snd ik) (Snd jl))) => Promonad (Prod :: PRODK jj kk ik jl -> PRODK jj kk ik jl -> Type) Source Comments # | |
Instance detailsDefined in Proarrow.Category.Bicategory.Product |