proarrow-0: Category theory with a central role for profunctors
Safe HaskellNone




class (MonoidalAction m c, MonoidalAction m d, Profunctor p) => Strong m (p :: c +-> d) where Source Comments #

Weighted strength for a monoidal action. Usually this is used unweighted, where w is the hom profunctor.


act :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: d) (y :: c). (a ~> b) -> p x y -> p (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #


Instances details
Strong () Unit Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct


act :: forall (a :: ()) (b :: ()) (x :: ()) (y :: ()). (a ~> b) -> Unit x y -> Unit (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (Cont r :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Promonad.Cont


act :: (a ~> b) -> Cont r x y -> Cont r (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

(Strong m ((~>) :: CAT k), MonoidalAction m k) => Strong m (Id :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Identity


act :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: k) (y :: k). (a ~> b) -> Id x y -> Id (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (Replacing a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: (a0 ~> b0) -> Replacing a b x y -> Replacing a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (Setting a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: (a0 ~> b0) -> Setting a b x y -> Setting a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (Viewing a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: (a0 ~> b0) -> Viewing a b x y -> Viewing a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (->) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct


act :: (a ~> b) -> (x -> y) -> Act a x -> Act b y Source Comments #

Functor f => Strong Type (Star f :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Star


act :: (a ~> b) -> Star f x y -> Star f (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

(Ob r, MonoidalAction m k, SymMonoidal m) => Strong m (Reader ('OP r) :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Promonad.Reader


act :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: k) (y :: k). (a ~> b) -> Reader ('OP r) x y -> Reader ('OP r) (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

(Ob w, MonoidalAction m k, SymMonoidal m) => Strong m (Writer w :: k -> k -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Promonad.Writer


act :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: k) (y :: k). (a ~> b) -> Writer w x y -> Writer w (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

(Strong m p, Strong m q) => Strong m (p :.: q :: d -> c -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Composition


act :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: d) (y :: c). (a ~> b) -> (p :.: q) x y -> (p :.: q) (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

IsOptic m c d => Strong m (Optic m a b :: c -> d -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall (a0 :: m) (b0 :: m) (x :: c) (y :: d). (a0 ~> b0) -> Optic m a b x y -> Optic m a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong (COPROD Type) (Replacing a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall (a0 :: COPROD Type) (b0 :: COPROD Type) x y. (a0 ~> b0) -> Replacing a b x y -> Replacing a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong (COPROD Type) (Setting a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall (a0 :: COPROD Type) (b0 :: COPROD Type) x y. (a0 ~> b0) -> Setting a b x y -> Setting a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong (COPROD Type) (->) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct


act :: forall (a :: COPROD Type) (b :: COPROD Type) x y. (a ~> b) -> (x -> y) -> Act a x -> Act b y Source Comments #

(MonoidalAction m Type, Monoidal (SUBCAT ob)) => Strong (SUBCAT ob) (->) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Sub


act :: forall (a :: SUBCAT ob) (b :: SUBCAT ob) x y. (a ~> b) -> (x -> y) -> Act a x -> Act b y Source Comments #

Strong (Type -> Type) (Replacing a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall (a0 :: Type -> Type) (b0 :: Type -> Type) x y. (a0 ~> b0) -> Replacing a b x y -> Replacing a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong (Type -> Type) (->) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat


act :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) (b :: Type -> Type) x y. (a ~> b) -> (x -> y) -> Act a x -> Act b y Source Comments #

(Functor f, Applicative f) => Strong (SUBCAT Traversable) (Star (Prelude f) :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Profunctor.Star


act :: forall (a :: SUBCAT Traversable) (b :: SUBCAT Traversable) x y. (a ~> b) -> Star (Prelude f) x y -> Star (Prelude f) (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

Monad m => Strong (SUBCAT (Algebra m)) (Classifying m a b :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall (a0 :: SUBCAT (Algebra m)) (b0 :: SUBCAT (Algebra m)) x y. (a0 ~> b0) -> Classifying m a b x y -> Classifying m a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Monad m => Strong Type (Updating a b :: Type -> KlCat m -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall a0 b0 x (y :: KlCat m). (a0 ~> b0) -> Updating a b x y -> Updating a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (Previewing a b :: COPROD Type -> COPROD Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall a0 b0 (x :: COPROD Type) (y :: COPROD Type). (a0 ~> b0) -> Previewing a b x y -> Previewing a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong Type (Coprod (->)) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct


act :: forall a b (x :: COPROD Type) (y :: COPROD Type). (a ~> b) -> Coprod (->) x y -> Coprod (->) (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

Strong (COPROD Type) (Previewing a b :: COPROD Type -> COPROD Type -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Optic


act :: forall (a0 :: COPROD Type) (b0 :: COPROD Type) (x :: COPROD Type) (y :: COPROD Type). (a0 ~> b0) -> Previewing a b x y -> Previewing a b (Act a0 x) (Act b0 y) Source Comments #

Strong k2 p => Strong (OPPOSITE k2) (Op p :: OPPOSITE j -> OPPOSITE k1 -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Opposite


act :: forall (a :: OPPOSITE k2) (b :: OPPOSITE k2) (x :: OPPOSITE j) (y :: OPPOSITE k1). (a ~> b) -> Op p x y -> Op p (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

Strong (COPROD Type) (Coprod (->)) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct


act :: forall (a :: COPROD Type) (b :: COPROD Type) (x :: COPROD Type) (y :: COPROD Type). (a ~> b) -> Coprod (->) x y -> Coprod (->) (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

(Strong k p, Promonad p, Monoidal k) => Strong k (Kleisli :: KLEISLI p -> KLEISLI p -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Kleisli


act :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k) (x :: KLEISLI p) (y :: KLEISLI p). (a ~> b) -> Kleisli x y -> Kleisli (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

(Strong m p, Strong m' q) => Strong (m, m') (p :**: q :: (k1, k2) -> (j1, j2) -> Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Product


act :: forall (a :: (m, m')) (b :: (m, m')) (x :: (k1, k2)) (y :: (j1, j2)). (a ~> b) -> (p :**: q) x y -> (p :**: q) (Act a x) (Act b y) Source Comments #

class (Monoidal m, CategoryOf k, Strong m ((~>) :: CAT k)) => MonoidalAction m k where Source Comments #

Associated Types

type Act (a :: m) (x :: k) :: k Source Comments #


unitor :: forall (x :: k). Ob x => Act (Unit :: m) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: k). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: m) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: k). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: m) (b :: m) (x :: k). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #


Instances details
MonoidalAction () () Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct

Associated Types

type Act (p :: ()) (x :: ()) 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct

type Act (p :: ()) (x :: ()) = p ** x


unitor :: forall (x :: ()). Ob x => Act (Unit :: ()) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: ()). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: ()) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: ()) (b :: ()) (x :: ()). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: ()) (b :: ()) (x :: ()). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

MonoidalAction Type Type Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct

Associated Types

type Act (p :: Type) (x :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryProduct

type Act (p :: Type) (x :: Type) = p ** x


unitor :: Ob x => Act (Unit :: Type) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: Type) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

MonoidalAction Type (COPROD Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct

Associated Types

type Act (p :: Type) ('COPR x :: COPROD Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct

type Act (p :: Type) ('COPR x :: COPROD Type) = 'COPR (p ** x)


unitor :: forall (x :: COPROD Type). Ob x => Act (Unit :: Type) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: COPROD Type). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: Type) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall a b (x :: COPROD Type). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall a b (x :: COPROD Type). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

(Strong k p, Promonad p, Monoidal k) => MonoidalAction k (KLEISLI p) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Kleisli


unitor :: forall (x :: KLEISLI p). Ob x => Act (Unit :: k) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: KLEISLI p). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: k) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k) (x :: KLEISLI p). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k) (x :: KLEISLI p). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

MonoidalAction (COPROD Type) Type Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct

Associated Types

type Act (p :: COPROD Type) (x :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct

type Act (p :: COPROD Type) (x :: Type) = UN ('COPR :: Type -> COPROD Type) (p ** 'COPR x)


unitor :: Ob x => Act (Unit :: COPROD Type) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: COPROD Type) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: COPROD Type) (b :: COPROD Type) x. (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: COPROD Type) (b :: COPROD Type) x. (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

MonoidalAction m k => MonoidalAction (OPPOSITE m) (OPPOSITE k) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Opposite


unitor :: forall (x :: OPPOSITE k). Ob x => Act (Unit :: OPPOSITE m) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: OPPOSITE k). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: OPPOSITE m) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: OPPOSITE m) (b :: OPPOSITE m) (x :: OPPOSITE k). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: OPPOSITE m) (b :: OPPOSITE m) (x :: OPPOSITE k). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

MonoidalAction (COPROD Type) (COPROD Type) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct

Associated Types

type Act (p :: COPROD Type) (x :: COPROD Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Object.BinaryCoproduct

type Act (p :: COPROD Type) (x :: COPROD Type) = p ** x


unitor :: forall (x :: COPROD Type). Ob x => Act (Unit :: COPROD Type) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: COPROD Type). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: COPROD Type) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: COPROD Type) (b :: COPROD Type) (x :: COPROD Type). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: COPROD Type) (b :: COPROD Type) (x :: COPROD Type). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

(MonoidalAction m Type, Monoidal (SUBCAT ob)) => MonoidalAction (SUBCAT ob) Type Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Sub


unitor :: Ob x => Act (Unit :: SUBCAT ob) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: SUBCAT ob) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: SUBCAT ob) (b :: SUBCAT ob) x. (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: SUBCAT ob) (b :: SUBCAT ob) x. (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

MonoidalAction (Type -> Type) Type Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat

Associated Types

type Act (p :: Type -> Type) (x :: Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Nat

type Act (p :: Type -> Type) (x :: Type) = p x


unitor :: Ob x => Act (Unit :: Type -> Type) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: Type -> Type) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) (b :: Type -> Type) x. (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: Type -> Type) (b :: Type -> Type) x. (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

(MonoidalAction n j, MonoidalAction m k) => MonoidalAction (n, m) (j, k) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Instance.Product


unitor :: forall (x :: (j, k)). Ob x => Act (Unit :: (n, m)) x ~> x Source Comments #

unitorInv :: forall (x :: (j, k)). Ob x => x ~> Act (Unit :: (n, m)) x Source Comments #

multiplicator :: forall (a :: (n, m)) (b :: (n, m)) (x :: (j, k)). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act a (Act b x) ~> Act (a ** b) x Source Comments #

multiplicatorInv :: forall (a :: (n, m)) (b :: (n, m)) (x :: (j, k)). (Ob a, Ob b, Ob x) => Act (a ** b) x ~> Act a (Act b x) Source Comments #

class Act a b ~ (a ** b) => ActIsTensor (a :: k) (b :: k) Source Comments #


Instances details
Act a b ~ (a ** b) => ActIsTensor (a :: k) (b :: k) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Action

class (Act a (Act b c) ~ (a ** (b ** c)), (a ** Act b c) ~ (a ** (b ** c)), Act a (b ** c) ~ (a ** (b ** c))) => ActIsTensor3 (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k) Source Comments #


Instances details
(Act a (Act b c) ~ (a ** (b ** c)), (a ** Act b c) ~ (a ** (b ** c)), Act a (b ** c) ~ (a ** (b ** c))) => ActIsTensor3 (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k) Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Action

class (MonoidalAction k k, forall (a :: k) (b :: k). ActIsTensor a b, forall (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k). ActIsTensor3 a b c) => SelfAction k Source Comments #


Instances details
(MonoidalAction k k, forall (a :: k) (b :: k). ActIsTensor a b, forall (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k). ActIsTensor3 a b c) => SelfAction k Source Comments # 
Instance details

Defined in Proarrow.Category.Monoidal.Action

composeActs :: forall {m} {k} (x :: m) (y :: m) (c :: k) (a :: k) (b :: k). (MonoidalAction m k, Ob x, Ob y, Ob c) => (a ~> Act x b) -> (b ~> Act y c) -> a ~> Act (x ** y) c Source Comments #

decomposeActs :: forall {m} {k} (x :: m) (y :: m) (c :: k) (a :: k) (b :: k). (MonoidalAction m k, Ob x, Ob y, Ob c) => (Act y c ~> b) -> (Act x b ~> a) -> Act (x ** y) c ~> a Source Comments #